How We Can All Improve the Drupal Experience

The best part of my job is teaching Drupal. As a Drupal trainer, I get to meet a lot of Drupalers with really different backgrounds. Some are brand-new to Drupal, some have lots of experience. Listening to them tell of their Drupal journeys, both the highlights and the low points, has given me insights into the different ways people encounter Drupal and some of the most common reasons why they love it, use it and get involved in the community (or not).

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How to Create a Custom Views Argument Plugin in Drupal

When you're building a site, it's standard to set up "pretty URLs". For example, we'd rather see /catalog/accessories than /taxonomy/term/18 and we'd rather see /about-us than /node/19. With Drupal, we use the Pathauto module to configure these types of standard content paths. But in some cases, there's no option to create a nice URL pattern, so we end up seeing those URLs.

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Drupal Modules We ♥ for 2018

With so many shiny new Drupal modules emerging this year, we were hard pressed to pick our recommendations for 2018. It came down to asking ourselves: which modules are we excited about implementing in 2018… the ones that will make our projects better, faster, smarter brighter? Read on for our list of Drupal modules we're excited about.

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