Evolving Web’s Guide to Improving Your Social Media Accessibility

People are having more and more conversations on social media. It's our job, as digital communicators, to include everyone in those conversations. Web accessibility means that we don't leave people out of digital experiences. Social media accessibility works the exact same way.

In this article, we'll present you with some ideas, best practices and guides for creating accessible social media content.

Read more about Evolving Web’s Guide to Improving Your Social Media Accessibility

How to Embed Facebook Videos with the Drupal Media Module

Since the start of lockdown in March, you’ve probably seen way more live streams on social media than you ever had before. These are taking places on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Live.

We recently got a question at a training from an attendee whose organization has been doing more live streams on Facebook. They also use Drupal’s built-in Media module and were wondering how they could embed their recorded live streams from Facebook onto their Drupal site. In today's tutorial, I outline two different methods for pulling this off.

Read more about How to Embed Facebook Videos with the Drupal Media Module

Perfect Your Facebook Link Previews with the Drupal Metatag Module

In a previous blog post and video, we looked at the code that controls the display of link previews on Facebook. This is outlined by Facebook's Open Graph protocol, where we modify the <meta> tags within the <head> of our HTML web page to say what the title, description, image, and other info should appear in our preview.  

Read more about Perfect Your Facebook Link Previews with the Drupal Metatag Module