Thank you for signing up for Evolving Web training!

Here are the instructions to travel to outer space with Elon Musk.

Ah... actually, we won't be travelling to outer space, but we will be exploring infinite possibilities with Drupal.

For that, you'll need a fresh install of Drupal on your laptop, so you can practice, test and follow along with the exercises in your training.

I’m ready. What should I do next?

There are two sets of instructions below depending on which course you'll attend.

The first set tells you how to set up a Drupal sandbox site with Pantheon quickly. This is all you'll need if you're attending UX and content strategy, Site building, SEO best practices, Web accessibility or Drupal for content editors & digital marketers training.

The second set tells you how to access your Drupal install codebase, which you'll need for the Advanced Site building, Theming, Module Development, Atomic design and Development Workflows courses.

Option 1: Create a New Drupal Site with Pantheon

Follow this set of instructions if you’re getting started with Drupal. You’ll quickly set up a Drupal sandbox and start building your website directly on your browser.

Quick hint: start here if you're signed up for UX and content strategy | Site building | SEO best practices | Web accessibility | Drupal for content editors and digital marketers

Option 2: Drupal Development using Visual Studio Code and Pantheon

There are many benefits to working with Drupal locally on your computer, like accessing the code base. Follow these steps to Install tools like Visual Studio Code and start customizing your Drupal site.

Start here if you're headed to Advanced site building | Drupal theming | Advanced Drupal theming | Atomic & molecular design | Drupal module development | Advanced module development | Drupal development workflows

Option 2: Drupal Development using Visual Studio Code and Pantheon

There are many benefits to working with Drupal locally on your computer, like accessing the code base. Follow these steps to Install tools like Visual Studio Code and start customizing your Drupal site.

Start here if you're headed to Advanced site building | Drupal theming | Advanced Drupal theming | Atomic & molecular design | Drupal module development | Advanced module development | Drupal development workflows