How to Design a Site Search Experience Users Will Love

When someone comes to your website needing specific information, they have two options: they can either use the site’s navigation to get where they need to go, or they can use the search function. We’re going to focus on the latter for this article.

Many of us do dozens or even hundreds of searches per day without even thinking about it: searching for an email, searching for that song on Spotify, figuring out what to make for dinner, looking up a contact on your phone, finding a word on this page. 

We just expect search to work—but that’s easier said than done.

Read more about How to Design a Site Search Experience Users Will Love

Avoiding the Redesign: How to Constantly Improve Your Drupal Website

There’s always a desire to start from scratch. Whether it’s the development team saying that the architecture is fundamentally flawed, the design team looking to add a new brand system, or the leadership team looking to make a big impact or justify a budget-spend, starting a digital project from scratch is appealing. 

And sometimes starting over is justified—for example:

Read more about Avoiding the Redesign: How to Constantly Improve Your Drupal Website

Creating an Inclusive Digital Content Strategy

When I first meet a new client and start imagining how we can improve their digital strategy, their content, and the user experience of their website, I start by asking about their target audiences. The questions are simple, but they can be hard to answer.

What do you want to accomplish with your website? Who is your website talking to? Who do you want to be talking to?

Read more about Creating an Inclusive Digital Content Strategy